Sunday, 7 February 2010

Attitude Facing Life Problematika

Like A HeroAttitude Facing Life Problematika

Vegas family formed not because of empty difficulties, exams, and the problems of life. But, it was formed because of the attitude and the right way to react to him. The existence of the problem of human life can cause a sense meaning taken way out. And so the creative people in the search, finding the right decision as a solution to the problem of his life.

Problematic life (in kelurga) is a fluctuating sense of certainty in human life. Existence make your life brighter.
Not boring. Is not human nature always bored with reality conditions do not change. It means we are not meant to challenge the problem of life to come, but based more so that we can be positive and the right in the face.

For that, each of us who want to establish order vegas family must prepare in advance of the ability to face various problems of life.
This figure, the other is not an expression of pious men.

Islam is described in the upbringing of these godly men are human beings who have ever served devotion to his Lord and hold fast to the instructions of his Lord. In addition, he was also convinced of the purpose of life merely served to God.

Pious human figures, revealed Dr. Syamsul Bahri Andi Galigo, the Qur'an and Quality Improvement of Man, is Karimah berakhlakul human, physical and spiritual, became a pilot in his life and easy to make an impact on others and difficult to influence because of its moral foundation of God's guidance has become the principle in his life (QS
. Al-Baqarah [2]: 38).

Totality of human figures can be found righteous and self-reflected on the Messenger of Allah. That is why as Muslims, why do we have to make the Prophet as uswah (role model) for those who want to get His pleasure. Besides the Qur'an emphasized there are some features of this pious man, is having faith, good works, always advised to maintain and bravely facing the truth of life problems.

According to Ibrahim al-Wazir, the Iman and Amal Saleh expressed that faith and good deeds can not be separated in real life, because faith like a dynamo in the machinery, while good works are the benefits gained from the machine due to the dynamo effect. Maintaining the truth is every human rights are buried in the bosom, that every person in love with the truth, but sometimes in this life man deceive himself. because that is maintaining a truth-especially the truth of the Almighty, clearly shows the noble character who never missed a man in self-righteous.

Patience in the Life

Living in the world there are times when trouble comes, and there is also our pleasure menghapiri.
He comes to succession. For that, we are taught by the Prophet react with patience and gratitude. Patient if there are difficulties and grateful when he came to our enjoyment. The basic concept is that we must bear in every member of our family.

The nature of patient attitude, others are not endure to something unpopular hearts and lemon with full awareness as resignation to God. Remember, our job in this life only straighten your intentions and improved effort.

Therefore, it is not known if the patient was due to hold himself or forced compulsion. More precisely, patient including a unit that can determine the mental attitude. So that patient attitude to life is kelurga any problems with his position as a process of maturing quality of life of meaning and meaningful.

On a more basic structure, patience is the attitude that emanates from the heart, which stand on the surrender as he pleaded for help to Allah. "O believers, ask for help with patience and with prayer, Allah is with those who patiently persevere." (Surat al-Baqarah [2]: 153).

To have patience which we built more leverage, then we should see some level of this patient. First, in terms of patient able to refrain from doing disobedience, sin and all forms of evil and evil (read: QS. Az-Zumar [39]: 10).

Second, the patient in terms of receiving all the calamities that befall mcm or imposed by God, trying to find a way out.

Third, in terms of patient did not respond back to all sorts of slander, rumors and bad attitudes and negative treatment of others directed at him because dikhawtirkan will add to the bad atmosphere.

Fourth, pray for patience in the sense of the goodness of people who do evil acts or attitudes such as the temper of the Ulul azmi (the people who have a determination), with a resignation to God.

Finally, whatever the difficulties and kesengsaran in life problemtika order affecting our families, it must be addressed with the patient.
Patience does not mean silence, do not cry, and sad. But, patience is born of acceptance of life problems as part of destiny. So that he would be calm that protects from the endless regrets. Wallahu'alam .***

Arda Dinata Inspiration is the founder of the Qur'an and the Assembly Natural Reality (MIQRA) Indonesia,


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