Youth Desire Ummat
MUSTAFA AL-youth RAFI'IE described by saying that youth is power, because the sun can not shine as bright in the evening when in the morning. In youth there are times when death is considered as a bed, and even fruit trees when I was young and after that all the trees no longer produce anything but wood. (Ashur Ahams; 1978).
Talk about youth, of course we should not forget the private figure proponent of idealism mindset youth themselves. In addition, the need also an understanding of the meaning of the reality of life for them.
Youth is a term that indicated for people who are at a particular life stage in order to achieve their life's journey makom maturity. For community youth, he faced the reality of life everyday often perceived as the realities that limit the idealism and the desire (to be grandiose) that dominated their thoughts. Unlike with adults, where adults typically tend to see reality as part of an established real world.
In this regard, it should be recognized along with that for every human being kamil. Stages of maturity is a certain stage of life lived. Which, when the young stage of growth can be achieved afeks human fisikis, then the adult stage occurs in maturing human psychic growth.
Another meaning, a person's maturity must meet six minimum requirements, namely: (1) Has the ability to more silent than to speak. That means he has the ability to hear better. Adults silence, solely for the good.
(2) Having a high empathy. Which has the ability to see something that, not only just from the personal side, but also from the others. (3) Be waro. Adults were in action is always arranged carefully to everything. If we behave not careful, we are the same as a small child. Anyway, the more we are careless, then we have grown less and less.
(4) An adult must have an attitude of trust. That is his personal responsibility ability. Adults, have full responsibility. The more a person is not the responsibility, then he is a coward / hypocrite, rather than an adult again.
(5) Can be suritauladan. An adult says, if he could be suritauladan for his family, his children, his wife, and ummatnya environment. (6) To act fairly. An adult is said to be seen from the ability to act fairly. Not biased in any decision taken.
Of the concept, then at least not trigger responsive nature of the youth form a strong desire to quickly develop psychic maturity and their maturity. The emergence of this desire, because the awareness of young people that maturity would give them greater opportunities to grow and contribute universally to the nation.
For that, the month of October is an appropriate moment to recall the existence of and attitudes that must be owned by youth and developed in order to face future challenges. However, should any Muslim youths associated with moral behavior, and the wisdom required of a Muslim youth outlined in the Qur'an.
Associated with it, Dr. M. Manzoor Alam (1989: 40-43), mentions the basic qualities required of the Islamic youth. First, believe in and worship only God. Penundukkan themselves entirely, binding ourselves totally and completely surrender to God is the main characteristic of youth. (Surah 17; 23 and QS. 31: 12-13).
Second, both the parents. Islam emphasizes the importance of doing good to their parents. This is not to the satisfaction as a common presence in Western societies. But the Islamic youth are always aware of the fact that doing good to their parents, keeping them in when necessary, ask forgiveness of God for them, is part of the worship of God Almighty. (Surah 17: 23).
Third, honest and responsible. Muslim youth should seek to take advantage of the gift or grace bestowed upon them as productive as possible. This gift not only of wealth, but also includes things such as power and status, health, action, knowledge, etc.. (Surah 17: 16-17.)
Fourth, persaudaran affection and love. Muslim youth should have the nature to love one another and should be imbued by the spirit of sacrifice. They should be like a building whose strength lies in the cohesiveness of the components that make up the building. (Surah 49: 10 and 3: 103).
Fifth, deliberation. Muslim youth should be held to a discussion, and must always obey the norms of parley, as mandated in the Qur'an Surat Ash-Syurura (42): 38, and Ali 'Imran (3): 159.
The basic properties of the program must be built on each of the Muslim youth to become an idealism. New from these commitments, will give birth to boys who are expected to be ideal Rabbi Rodhiya generation.
Which, Rodhiya Robbi this generation has at least the parameters that we can observe, such as:
Having attachment to the Divine.v Inside terhujam burning love to God and walk according to the will of God, as a lover. The only alternative in life is to serve Allah SWT. (Surah 6: 162 and QS. 3: 31).
Have the courage to strive with their wealth and lives for the sake kalimatullah.v (Surah 9: 41).
total surrender (kafah) to God with hope and keridhoan guided him.v (Surah 2: 128).
Provide a tribute to his parents as an alternative to get keridhoan God.v (Surah 17: 23-24 and verse. 31: 14).
v Promoting yourself to always uphold the prayer, proselytizing a certain character and wisdom in having patience in the face of temptation. And humble, not takabbur, and do not want to praise and help those who are weak in the hope of getting the love of God. (Surah 31: 17th).
v Gandrung for knowledge, sensitive to the environment, a lot of dhikr and good at reading the situation and growing conditions. (Surah 39:91).
v Having words and behavior are the meek, very strong stance against the truth, like a building that stood firm, so he does not fear and mourning. (Surah 46: 13-14).
Joy of reading the Qur'an and make it as a living system.v In the Qur'an he can distinguish between haq and false, and bertindaknya way of thinking based on the Qur'an and the Sunna of the Prophet. He tried to become a living Quran and he does not like it when just talking without doing a good deed, because God did not like in this. (Surah 2: 44 and verse 61: 2-3).
What a glorious, if these characteristics exist in Indonesian Muslim youth. And that's young hope ummah. The question is, Could we build a realization of the youth in accordance with the demands of the Koran? ***
Arda Dinata Inspiration is the founder of the Qur'an and the Assembly Natural Reality (MIQRA) Indonesia,
MUSTAFA AL-youth RAFI'IE described by saying that youth is power, because the sun can not shine as bright in the evening when in the morning. In youth there are times when death is considered as a bed, and even fruit trees when I was young and after that all the trees no longer produce anything but wood. (Ashur Ahams; 1978).
Talk about youth, of course we should not forget the private figure proponent of idealism mindset youth themselves. In addition, the need also an understanding of the meaning of the reality of life for them.
Youth is a term that indicated for people who are at a particular life stage in order to achieve their life's journey makom maturity. For community youth, he faced the reality of life everyday often perceived as the realities that limit the idealism and the desire (to be grandiose) that dominated their thoughts. Unlike with adults, where adults typically tend to see reality as part of an established real world.
In this regard, it should be recognized along with that for every human being kamil. Stages of maturity is a certain stage of life lived. Which, when the young stage of growth can be achieved afeks human fisikis, then the adult stage occurs in maturing human psychic growth.
Another meaning, a person's maturity must meet six minimum requirements, namely: (1) Has the ability to more silent than to speak. That means he has the ability to hear better. Adults silence, solely for the good.
(2) Having a high empathy. Which has the ability to see something that, not only just from the personal side, but also from the others. (3) Be waro. Adults were in action is always arranged carefully to everything. If we behave not careful, we are the same as a small child. Anyway, the more we are careless, then we have grown less and less.
(4) An adult must have an attitude of trust. That is his personal responsibility ability. Adults, have full responsibility. The more a person is not the responsibility, then he is a coward / hypocrite, rather than an adult again.
(5) Can be suritauladan. An adult says, if he could be suritauladan for his family, his children, his wife, and ummatnya environment. (6) To act fairly. An adult is said to be seen from the ability to act fairly. Not biased in any decision taken.
Of the concept, then at least not trigger responsive nature of the youth form a strong desire to quickly develop psychic maturity and their maturity. The emergence of this desire, because the awareness of young people that maturity would give them greater opportunities to grow and contribute universally to the nation.
For that, the month of October is an appropriate moment to recall the existence of and attitudes that must be owned by youth and developed in order to face future challenges. However, should any Muslim youths associated with moral behavior, and the wisdom required of a Muslim youth outlined in the Qur'an.
Associated with it, Dr. M. Manzoor Alam (1989: 40-43), mentions the basic qualities required of the Islamic youth. First, believe in and worship only God. Penundukkan themselves entirely, binding ourselves totally and completely surrender to God is the main characteristic of youth. (Surah 17; 23 and QS. 31: 12-13).
Second, both the parents. Islam emphasizes the importance of doing good to their parents. This is not to the satisfaction as a common presence in Western societies. But the Islamic youth are always aware of the fact that doing good to their parents, keeping them in when necessary, ask forgiveness of God for them, is part of the worship of God Almighty. (Surah 17: 23).
Third, honest and responsible. Muslim youth should seek to take advantage of the gift or grace bestowed upon them as productive as possible. This gift not only of wealth, but also includes things such as power and status, health, action, knowledge, etc.. (Surah 17: 16-17.)
Fourth, persaudaran affection and love. Muslim youth should have the nature to love one another and should be imbued by the spirit of sacrifice. They should be like a building whose strength lies in the cohesiveness of the components that make up the building. (Surah 49: 10 and 3: 103).
Fifth, deliberation. Muslim youth should be held to a discussion, and must always obey the norms of parley, as mandated in the Qur'an Surat Ash-Syurura (42): 38, and Ali 'Imran (3): 159.
The basic properties of the program must be built on each of the Muslim youth to become an idealism. New from these commitments, will give birth to boys who are expected to be ideal Rabbi Rodhiya generation.
Which, Rodhiya Robbi this generation has at least the parameters that we can observe, such as:
Having attachment to the Divine.v Inside terhujam burning love to God and walk according to the will of God, as a lover. The only alternative in life is to serve Allah SWT. (Surah 6: 162 and QS. 3: 31).
Have the courage to strive with their wealth and lives for the sake kalimatullah.v (Surah 9: 41).
total surrender (kafah) to God with hope and keridhoan guided him.v (Surah 2: 128).
Provide a tribute to his parents as an alternative to get keridhoan God.v (Surah 17: 23-24 and verse. 31: 14).
v Promoting yourself to always uphold the prayer, proselytizing a certain character and wisdom in having patience in the face of temptation. And humble, not takabbur, and do not want to praise and help those who are weak in the hope of getting the love of God. (Surah 31: 17th).
v Gandrung for knowledge, sensitive to the environment, a lot of dhikr and good at reading the situation and growing conditions. (Surah 39:91).
v Having words and behavior are the meek, very strong stance against the truth, like a building that stood firm, so he does not fear and mourning. (Surah 46: 13-14).
Joy of reading the Qur'an and make it as a living system.v In the Qur'an he can distinguish between haq and false, and bertindaknya way of thinking based on the Qur'an and the Sunna of the Prophet. He tried to become a living Quran and he does not like it when just talking without doing a good deed, because God did not like in this. (Surah 2: 44 and verse 61: 2-3).
What a glorious, if these characteristics exist in Indonesian Muslim youth. And that's young hope ummah. The question is, Could we build a realization of the youth in accordance with the demands of the Koran? ***
Arda Dinata Inspiration is the founder of the Qur'an and the Assembly Natural Reality (MIQRA) Indonesia,
MUSTAFA AL-youth RAFI'IE described by saying that youth is power, because the sun can not shine as bright in the evening when in the morning. In youth there are times when death is considered as a bed, and even fruit trees when I was young and after that all the trees no longer produce anything but wood. (Ashur Ahams; 1978).
Talk about youth, of course we should not forget the private figure proponent of idealism mindset youth themselves. In addition, the need also an understanding of the meaning of the reality of life for them.
Youth is a term that indicated for people who are at a particular life stage in order to achieve their life's journey makom maturity. For community youth, he faced the reality of life everyday often perceived as the realities that limit the idealism and the desire (to be grandiose) that dominated their thoughts. Unlike with adults, where adults typically tend to see reality as part of an established real world.
In this regard, it should be recognized along with that for every human being kamil. Stages of maturity is a certain stage of life lived. Which, when the young stage of growth can be achieved afeks human fisikis, then the adult stage occurs in maturing human psychic growth.
Another meaning, a person's maturity must meet six minimum requirements, namely: (1) Has the ability to more silent than to speak. That means he has the ability to hear better. Adults silence, solely for the good.
(2) Having a high empathy. Which has the ability to see something that, not only just from the personal side, but also from the others. (3) Be waro. Adults were in action is always arranged carefully to everything. If we behave not careful, we are the same as a small child. Anyway, the more we are careless, then we have grown less and less.
(4) An adult must have an attitude of trust. That is his personal responsibility ability. Adults, have full responsibility. The more a person is not the responsibility, then he is a coward / hypocrite, rather than an adult again.
(5) Can be suritauladan. An adult says, if he could be suritauladan for his family, his children, his wife, and ummatnya environment. (6) To act fairly. An adult is said to be seen from the ability to act fairly. Not biased in any decision taken.
Of the concept, then at least not trigger responsive nature of the youth form a strong desire to quickly develop psychic maturity and their maturity. The emergence of this desire, because the awareness of young people that maturity would give them greater opportunities to grow and contribute universally to the nation.
For that, the month of October is an appropriate moment to recall the existence of and attitudes that must be owned by youth and developed in order to face future challenges. However, should any Muslim youths associated with moral behavior, and the wisdom required of a Muslim youth outlined in the Qur'an.
Associated with it, Dr. M. Manzoor Alam (1989: 40-43), mentions the basic qualities required of the Islamic youth. First, believe in and worship only God. Penundukkan themselves entirely, binding ourselves totally and completely surrender to God is the main characteristic of youth. (Surah 17; 23 and QS. 31: 12-13).
Second, both the parents. Islam emphasizes the importance of doing good to their parents. This is not to the satisfaction as a common presence in Western societies. But the Islamic youth are always aware of the fact that doing good to their parents, keeping them in when necessary, ask forgiveness of God for them, is part of the worship of God Almighty. (Surah 17: 23).
Third, honest and responsible. Muslim youth should seek to take advantage of the gift or grace bestowed upon them as productive as possible. This gift not only of wealth, but also includes things such as power and status, health, action, knowledge, etc.. (Surah 17: 16-17.)
Fourth, persaudaran affection and love. Muslim youth should have the nature to love one another and should be imbued by the spirit of sacrifice. They should be like a building whose strength lies in the cohesiveness of the components that make up the building. (Surah 49: 10 and 3: 103).
Fifth, deliberation. Muslim youth should be held to a discussion, and must always obey the norms of parley, as mandated in the Qur'an Surat Ash-Syurura (42): 38, and Ali 'Imran (3): 159.
The basic properties of the program must be built on each of the Muslim youth to become an idealism. New from these commitments, will give birth to boys who are expected to be ideal Rabbi Rodhiya generation.
Which, Rodhiya Robbi this generation has at least the parameters that we can observe, such as:
Having attachment to the Divine.v Inside terhujam burning love to God and walk according to the will of God, as a lover. The only alternative in life is to serve Allah SWT. (Surah 6: 162 and QS. 3: 31).
Have the courage to strive with their wealth and lives for the sake kalimatullah.v (Surah 9: 41).
total surrender (kafah) to God with hope and keridhoan guided him.v (Surah 2: 128).
Provide a tribute to his parents as an alternative to get keridhoan God.v (Surah 17: 23-24 and verse. 31: 14).
v Promoting yourself to always uphold the prayer, proselytizing a certain character and wisdom in having patience in the face of temptation. And humble, not takabbur, and do not want to praise and help those who are weak in the hope of getting the love of God. (Surah 31: 17th).
v Gandrung for knowledge, sensitive to the environment, a lot of dhikr and good at reading the situation and growing conditions. (Surah 39:91).
v Having words and behavior are the meek, very strong stance against the truth, like a building that stood firm, so he does not fear and mourning. (Surah 46: 13-14).
Joy of reading the Qur'an and make it as a living system.v In the Qur'an he can distinguish between haq and false, and bertindaknya way of thinking based on the Qur'an and the Sunna of the Prophet. He tried to become a living Quran and he does not like it when just talking without doing a good deed, because God did not like in this. (Surah 2: 44 and verse 61: 2-3).
What a glorious, if these characteristics exist in Indonesian Muslim youth. And that's young hope ummah. The question is, Could we build a realization of the youth in accordance with the demands of the Koran? ***
Arda Dinata Inspiration is the founder of the Qur'an and the Assembly Natural Reality (MIQRA) Indonesia,
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