In this life, things that are mundane, such property and other property, is not a guarantee for the safety of a person if he is unable to manage it well. Conversely, absence of ownership of worldly wealth will not be made miserable, if we berepagangan fast to the rope of Allah swt.
For that, so we avoid the dependence will love the world and not ignore the delicious world, it is necessary to balance the look of this worldly wealth. That we should behave toward zuhud. The main principle is to leave the dependency zuhud, but not necessarily leave the property.
Concepts like that, that should be embedded in the soul of a Muslim. These instructions can be found in the Qur'an. Allah Most High says, "And when the prayer has been fulfilled then you bertebarlah on earth, and seek the gift of God. And remember God in mind that many, so you're getting lucky. "(Surat al-Jumuah [62]: 10). This verse can be an indication of no restrictions on ownership. However, on the other information expressly forbids Allah for anyone who relies heavily on the world alone and unfettered by the jewels. Allah Most High says, "So turn away (O Muhammad) of the person who turns away from us and who do not desire but the life of this world." (Surat An-Najm [53]: 29).
Here, there are some steps we can do to avoid dependence on winding worldly wealth.
Do not put earthly things in the heart.
Zuhud people will put the world in his hands and not meletakannya at heart, and not to throw it away. This is the first key if we are to survive with earthly riches.
Therefore, let him with God and his heart more dominated by the pleasure of obedience, because the liver can not be completely free from the love (read: love the world or the love of God). Both this love in your heart like water and air in a glass.
That is why, perhaps why Hisham ibn Hassan once said, "No one who exalts dirhams but God will humiliate him."
Not lost in the hunt for worldly wealth.
Behavior lost in chasing worldly wealth is something dangerous. Because it is possible opportunities and the seriousness of a person in the hunt for worldly wealth will result in people forgetting to perform religious duties. So in the end, it would make the freeze and harden his heart and his soul becomes dry.
History shows us, how many holy souls eventually contaminated. The existence of a strong rope ukhuwah finally ended with hatred and kehncuran. That way, others are not due to the competition between them in the search for worldly wealth and forget the Hereafter. Was Uthman ibn Affan and Abdur Rahman bin Auf ra., The exemplary figure, because he was famous rich, but always thinking about the hereafter.
Does not accumulate worldly wealth pile.
Satan as an enemy of mankind, it will always try to seduce and persuade wealthy people to continue to hoard and accumulate wealth, but not in the way of Allah menginfakkannya. Whereas the position of wealth (property) in the Islamic view of God is the treasure and the man was tied in spending with the provisions of his honor.
Therefore, in order not love the world, then we have to position the world's wealth as a road, not the only goal, nor as a reason that can explain all the events. So we have to consider what is said that Al Manawy, "Treasure that will not be condemned by itself, then the world's wealth is in akherat field. Whoever takes the world's wealth by maintaining the Shari'a law, Allah will bring relief in akheratnya. "
Thus, the wealth treasure how people who have it, because he could be a good and well if not careful he will enslave us.
Menginfakkan soon gained worldly wealth.
Piling-piling behavior property wealth would lead them to forget the poor people. So to avoid this, we should try to get menginfakkan wealth we have gained.
In the Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala guide us to spend the wealth associated with this property, namely: "And those who, when spending (property) they are not extravagant and not (too) stingy but is (spending) in the middle of the case. "(Surat al-Baqarah [2]: 67).
Furthermore, in order that we avoid the dependence on the wealth of the world, we are forbidden to throw himself to the destruction. God says, "And spend (bendamu property) in the way of Allah and do not you drop yourself into destruction, and do good, for Allah loves those who do good." (Surat al-Baqarah [2]: 195) .
One form of good attitude toward the world's wealth is immediately menginfakkannya in God's way. The Prophet said, "O son of Adam, in fact if you give the excess to berinfak is better for you. And if you are stingy is worse for you. And do not be wasteful of wealth. And help to people who need help. And hand over better than the lower hand. "(Narrated by Muslim, Turmudzi).
In another hadith mentioned, "Keep you from being stingy, because actually most of the people before you have perished, due to avarice." (Narrated by David).
Finally, if the purpose of our life purpose only God, so when a gift of worldly wealth, will be gratefully knelt presence of Him. And nothing will ever be disappointed with how much He has given him. So, this should in terhujam determination that he would not willingly and not the slightest intention to drown himself in wealth owned property outside of his guidance. Wallahu'alam .***
Arda Dinata Inspiration is the founder of the Qur'an and the Assembly Natural Reality (MIQRA) Indonesia,
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