Thursday 28 January 2010

Growing Confidence

A Parent's Guide to Growing Pains - Self-EsteemGrowing Confidence

The success of one's life, sometimes becomes blocked because he did not trust the abilities he has. In fact, if we can think wisely, it will come the awareness that all human beings are born basically the same. That has advantages and disadvantages.

Here, what distinguishes them is the mindset and positive attitude to deal with a situation. Here are some ways to foster self-confidence that could be used as a handle, namely:

1. Destroy all feeling insecure in yourself.

2. Overcome and prevent any form of weakness in the spirit of your great soul, and with your strengths.

3. Always remember and be proud of the positive attitude that you currently have.

4. Act with enthusiasm and optimism, as this will make your life into the spirit and passion.

5. Maintain physical appearance is always a prime and a positive mental on you.

6. Keep smiling even through hard times.

7. Rest assured, you are a unique individual and valuable for yourself.

8. Remember that you have the strength and unlimited potential to achieve your dreams .***

Arda Dinata Inspiration is the founder of the Qur'an and the Assembly Natural Reality (MIQRA) Indonesia,


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