Sunday 10 January 2010

Ways Towards Quality Muslims

Ways Towards Quality Muslims
By Arda Dinata

EACH of us, certainly aspired to be a Muslim-quality, superior human being, human or human plenary kamil. But not everyone was able to reach it. And by God in the Qur'an letter At-Tin: 4, which means, "Verily We created man in the form of the best."

Human beings plenary or by kamil Ibn'Arabi (sufibesar of Andalusia, 1165 M) was able to express the attributes of God as opposed to in him and translated into behavior. Uniting the attributes of God into the self does not mean copying nature of his, but insisted that the human task is to control and regulatory nature (Khalifatul 'ard) with coolness, and firmness of security based on truth godlike.

Thus, insan kamil can be aided by using the method of intuition, which helps the development of an integral human personality / insan kamil, and in turn will increase the human resources (HR), based on faith and piety. Here, there are a few tips to qualified Muslims.

1. Have the ability to push and hit himself.

Many people have potential, but he could not be a quality and excellence. Contributing factor is due not to his knowledge, so do not know the steps needed to do.

For that, starting now have the ability immediately accelerate and hit themselves with knowledge relating to something you want to achieve excellence is. It means someone who is more superior quality are those who have the ability to accelerate and lead themselves more than anyone else. For example, if someone else learn five hours, then the person who will have a future of excellence will be resistant to learn in more than five hours. Or if someone else worked for seven hours a day, he would be able to work for more than seven hours. Thus, each day he got bonus time to forge his superiority.

2. Creation of a system that is conducive to achievement.

System conditions conducive to the environment around us will be able to stimulate a person to excel. System and a conducive environment is, of course sometimes we have to look for and some are to our own.

Prophet Muhammad once said, that someone was so carried away by the environment. Anyone associating with the blacksmith, the above will smell burnt or even will never feel one of their body burned. However, anyone dealing with the perfume seller, then could not the body or clothes will go into the fragrance. This shows how the environment or the system will be very influential on a person to be qualified or otherwise.

In short, if the system and the environment around us has been made superior, then every individual in it has the same potential for accelerated high acceleration itself.

3. Developing Hospitality.

Hospitality activity has the leverage and the positive impact extraordinary. Islam teaches that Hospitality can extend the life and reproduce rizki. Rizki understanding here is very broad, including the acquired knowledge. Related to science, Prophet Muhammad Sulayman as when asked by God, whether he would choose wealth or knowledge, it turns out he will choose science. As a result, hartapun acquired.

For that, human quality, should have a program every day to do silaturahmi with various people, groups and circles. Can with the intelligentsia, businessmen, even though pedicab driver. Why is this necessary? Because, of Hospitality activities like that, we gain wisdom from each meeting can be inspiring or capture the other side of a life. This is, of course is needed to boost the potential quality of our self.
4. Have clarity of thought.

Speaking qualified human problem, we must realize it is not sufficient if only the world's leading, but also to the world and akherat. This is the formula that needs to build the agenda for every Muslim through the potency of reason and thought.

It was here, seems to be a superior man, the most important thing is to have clarity of thought. People like this, starting from the calm heart. God in the Qur'an. Ar Ra'dan: 28, said, "Those who believe, and their hearts become tranquil by the remembrance of Allah .. Remember, only the remembrance of Allah do hearts become peaceful. "

In other words, anyone who wants to get the ability to explore the potential of him, so he could pull himself together and able to think and act clearly, the key is to have the expertise dhikr of Allah. But these filters, really dangerous because those who excel with no memory of Allah, its superiority will be a tool of destruction and humiliation both for themselves, others and the environment.

5. Has the advantage of dhikr of Allah.

Excellence in the field of property, title, rank, position, etc.. will never make our hearts be calm. How many people are despicable and miserable because of such mundane questions. So, if we want quality and excellence in the world and akherat is that we must have an advantage dhikr of Allah, so that our lives are in kententraman.

Allah Almighty says, "When the prayer has been fulfilled, then you bertebaranlah in the land and seek the gift of God and remember God a lot that ye may prosper." (Surat AlJumu'ah: 62). Why does this have to do? Because, God will always remember the people who remember his name. If we always keep the remembrance of this, whereas he who controlled us, know what is best for us, and which make up the talent in us, then what hard for God to guide our lives and superior quality?

6. Having a superior work.

Muslims should not only be dhikr, talking, making the concept, but must actualize effort or produce works of quality and excellence.
For that, we want to excel kalu, then we must begin to pioneer and used to produce the work and personal excellence that makes us have a price in this life. Remember that Allah loves the people who started a lot of preaching to the real work.

Finally, a Muslim must be based on the quality of excellence dhikr of Allah, which makes us calm, maintained and peaceful. While the benefits of thinking to make strategic moves and telling. And the benefits of real work to make the potential of self-esteem to be raised. Waallahu'alam .***

Arda Dinata, founder of the Assembly of the Qur'an and Reality Inspiration Nature (MIQRA) Indonesia,


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